January 12, 2013

The year to take better care of me...2013 Resolutions

So last year my resolution was to lose weight. This year my resolution is to take better care of myself. That means strength training, taking my vitamins, not eating out as much and pampering myself when it is necessary :)

As part of this resolution, I've gone back to basics and started cooking every night again.

It's a lot of work, but this entire week I've been able to cook for the entire family every night. No Subway runs, no takeout and no store bought meals. This week was a success and the menu looked like this:

Mon - Spaghetti (whole wheat pasta)
Tue - Stuffed Bell Peppers (stuffed with ground turkey, brown rice, celery and tomatoes)
Wed - Tacos (whole wheat tortillas)
Thu - Stir-Fry
Fri - Chicken Waldorf Salad (Clean Eating recipe)
Sat - Salmon Pattie & Zucchini
Sun - Chicken Parm & Pasta

My menu isn't uber-healthy on purpose. I cook for a family of four including two kids. I doubt that my boys would want to eat quinoa as a substitute to rice or pasta in their diet. On the things that aren't so "clean" I tend to accompany it with a salad or veggies and on those nights I load up on the veggies and take a smaller portion of the entree. It works for me and also keeps the kids happy.

Another facet of my resolution includes getting into better shape and incorporating more strength training. To help me with this I have purchased a few 'new' at home videos.

Now don't laugh...

I bought some Gilad DVDs. Remember him from the 90's? Yeah, he's a pretty good trainer if you can see past the bad leotards and crazy chest hair. Ha! I get my videos on Tuesday and start strength training that same night! I'm excited!

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